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April Vacation Camp! FULL

Coed Adventuring for Grades 3-6 April 15, 16, 17 (rain dates: 4/18, 4/19) 9am - 12pm

  • Ended
  • 155 US dollars
  • North Andover

Program Description

School Vacations were meant to get outside, luxuriate in free time among nature, and restore a sense of balance to bodies and minds! Each day our crew will hike a new Forest trail in ANdover/North Andover (perhaps the Ward Hill/ Boston Hill area), covering about 1.5 - 2 miles. We will spend lots of time exploring the ponds, glacial erratics, wetlands and dams of this areas, learning a bit about the history of the land and keeping our eyes peeled for spring wildlife: tadpoles/frogs, snakes, salamanders, oh my! Spring conditions, weather, and group interests will ultimately guide our activities for the day. Once we get closer to April, I will be checking trails and streams in Ward Hill/Boston Hill to see what exciting features could lure us that way. Activities may Include: building forts forest hide 'n seek campfire climbing downed trees scrambling over boulders scavenger hunt catching (and releasing!) tadpoles and salamanders making nature boats (if warm enough) maybe... make duct tape cups maybe... some beginner foraging Nature crafts and rest/snack time will be a part of each outing :) Rain Dates will be held on 4/18 and/or 4/19 RAIN GEAR - ie. jacket or boots may be needed! In early April participants will receive a detailed email with the exact locations, driving directions and plans for each day of camp. BEFORE BOOKING, PLEASE CONSIDER: *this is an ACTIVE program *ability to walk 2 miles in warm, damp, or cool weather is necessary *kids are outside for 3 hours in spring weather *ability to FOLLOW DIRECTIONS / BEHAVE cooperatively / execute SELF CONTROL are necessary for group safety *Please read the CODE OF CONDUCT EXPECTATIONS on the Policy Page before registering

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